Well, well how do I let nich we can share our files to my friends without having to us send the file but it is our friend yag take from us? It's easy really. Make aja download the file on our blog. How to do?
The following easy .. do ....
1. Sign in to SnapDrive.net
2. Click on Register
3. Complete the form with the data yourself as you please
- Username -> fill in the name you'd like to, what is important may be easy to remember. example: Indonesia
- Password -> fill with the desired password. example: independent
- Confirm password -> content back to the password that had been tuliskan.contoh: independent
- Email address -> fill in your email address, of course, are still valid. example: adjiexz@gmail.com
- First name -> fill in your name
- Last name -> fill in your name
- Country -> select the name of the country where you live. example: Indonesia
- Postcode -> browse to your local post codes
- Gender -> select according to your gender. female (male), female (women)
- Date of birth -> select your date of birth
- Preferances -> content with the text contained in it
4. Click the Register button
5. There is confirmation that the new account must be made in the switch via email before we write
6. Check the email you property that had been written, check email from Snapdrive already up or not
7. If the email has arrived, please open the email. Fill in the email there is a link for activation, just click the link
8. Pal will automatically be taken first page that contains a thank you
9. Click the OK button
10. Please Login with username and password that had been written at the register
11. After being on my friend account page, click on Upload
12. Click the Add Files
13. Select the files you are willing dikomputer uploads
14. Click the Upload button. wait a few moments when the file upload is in progress
15. If the upload is complete, you will be shown in the file that was uploaded. Click on details next to the existing
16. Click on the URL link
17. Copy the code provided and paste it on notepad
18. Click on Logout to exit from the site
19. Please close your browser screen
So continue on how to put in your blog? You can put it on a post or sidebar. It's up to you. Hehehe. Residence type in the words of the link and then paste the code calls that we had a copy of the underlyingAll
Tutorial and Article, Tutorial, Article