1. Usually going to backtrack a set network dhcp but if guns do this,IP setting is DHCP.
type "dhcpd eth0"
(For eth0 LAN card depends use on)
to ensure type ifconfig
2. howsetting a static IP :
type "ifconfig eth0" -> IP and subnet settings
type "route add default gw" -> Setting the gateway
type "echo nameserver> / etc / resolve.conf" -> sett dns
to ensure type ifconfig
3. Do not forget to change the password
type "passwd" Enter password "strong"
4.For can bring up a bash command type:
leetmode or yakuake
5. Now backtrack to change the look of the first, howtype this in command prompt shell alias in wndows klo
bt ~ # nano / etc / issue
6. change the logon command line to start automatically when kde:
bt ~ # nano / etc / inittab
change id: 3: initdefault: to id: 4: initdefault:
7. Automatic start making leetmode type:
cd / root / .kde / Autostart
ln-s / usr / bin / leetmode leetmode
this makes the link leetmode in outostart
8. Automatic start making yakuake type:
cd / root / .kde / Autostart
ln-s / opt / kde / bin / yakuake yakuake
now in KDE just press F12
9. Automated script that makes the cd-rom out: type:
cd / etc / rc.d
nano rc.6
looking for code like this:
# Eject cdrom devices
. . / Usr / lib / liblinuxlive
# Echo "ejecting cdroms all ..."
# List_cdrom_devices while read DEVICE; do
# Cdrecord dev = $ DEVICE-eject> / dev / null 2> / dev / null
# Can not use eject Because it's not working with our kernel
# Eject-s $ DEVICE> / dev / null 2> / dev / null
# Done
# Echo "========================================"
# Echo "It's safe to switch the computer off now"
# Echo-ne "Press Enter to $ command"
# Read junk
10. how to install java client:
- Download Java Linux (self-extracting file)
- Cd opt
- Mkdir java
- Cp / tmp/jre-6u1-linux-i586.bin / opt / java
- Cd java
- Ls
- Chmod a + x jre-6u1-linux-i586.bin
- Ls-l
- ./jre-6u1-linux-i586.bin
- Yes
- Ls
http://java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml # enable
- Cd / opt / firefox / plugins
- Ln-s / opt/java/jre1.6.0_01/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so
- Firefox-Preferences-Content-Enable java
Good luck.
11. secure shell daemon how:
type "sshd-generate"
type "/ usr / sbin / sshd"
type "netstat-ant grep 22"
12. Make http server klo neubenya language makes web server how:
type "apachectl start" -> function hidupin for apache web server
type "netstat-ant grep 80" -> check if port 80 is active
type "apachectl stop" -> function turns of the apache server
type "netstat-ant grep 80" -> check again
13. make a file transfer protocol or ftp server cool how:
type "atftpd - daemon - port 69 / tmp /"
type "netstat-anu grep 69"
14. vnc server using that usually make for ngeremote how:
type "vncserver"
ato 8digit enter pass more
type "netstat-ant grep 5901"
15. how to make a dual boot automatically (configured itself as Linux root)
residence type "liloconfig" just follow orders live aja
16. IP configuration using netconfig
in the shell live type "netconfig" wrote
17. Tanem for ip k log files etc change rc.inet1
"nano / etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf"
# Config information for eth0:
IPADDR [0] = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
NETMASK [0] = "255.255.255.xxx"
USE_DHCP [0] = ""
# Default gateway IP address:
GATEWAY = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xx"
Do not forget to type in
rc.d bt # rc.inet1
18. techmon make leetmode kayak in BT3
the way in sheel type "superkaramba" then download the file on the desktop so degh
19. how to install the package berextention. tgz
residence type:
"Installpkg namapaket.tgz"
20. mengextrac file. gz
"Tar-xzvf namafile.gz"
$ Tar-zxvf-C nama_file.tar.gz / folder / destination /
21. mengextrax file. bz2
"Tar-xjvf namafile.bz2"
22. how to update an existing slackware on backtrack pake slapt-get:
type this in shell "slapt-get - update" then type "slapt-get - upgrade"
type in 'kwrite / etc / slapt-get / slapt-getrc "
add the:
SOURCE = http://darkstar.ist.utl.pt/slackware/
download it for updatean
Other programs are:
Kslackcheck create slack update as well
is the download kslackcheck
how to install it live "installpkg namafile.tgz" complete look at the system
add fast-track in BT2
I Xvidcap make way for the video tutorial
then 'installpkg filename "
27. kmail install client
download kmailnya
"Tar-xjvf kdepim-3.5.6.tar.bz2"
"Configure && make && make install"
28. install thunderbird
download thunderbirdnya
ekstrax "tar-zxvf thunderbird-"
make the link in the kde menu editor link Thunderbird
or "double click thunderbird"
29. g there is a Nanya friend change ways how passwords
aja type "passwd" type the password length
confirmation that guns in the same lo linux
30. enable ssh on backtrack first
"Setup-sshd" to start or begin with "start-sshd"
to stop "stop-sshd"
31. to enable the firewall on automatically backtrack
bt / # cat >> / etc / rc.d / rc.local
. / Etc / rc.d / rc.FireWall start
^ D
bt / #
gretzz willy master slackware
32. who kernel (see here)
who difference SMP kernel as usual kernel (see here)
Install BT3 to HDD
How do i guns jelasin
create a partition on the hdd
Siapin hdd partition example:
sda1 = backtrack
sda2 = swap
bt ~ # mkdir / mnt / backtrack
bt ~ # mount / dev/sda3 / mnt / backtrack /
bt ~ # mkdir / mnt / backtrack / boot /
bt ~ # mount / dev/sda1 / mnt / backtrack / boot /
bt ~ # cp-preserve-R / {bin, dev, home, pentest, root, usr, etc, lib, opt, sbin, var} / mnt / backtrack /
bt ~ # mkdir / mnt / backtrack / {mnt, proc, sys, tmp}
bt ~ # mount bind / dev / / mnt / backtrack / dev /
bt ~ # mount-t proc proc / mnt / backtrack / proc /
bt ~ # cp / boot / vmlinuz / mnt / backtrack / boot /
for lilonya.
bt ~ # chroot / mnt / backtrack / / bin / bash
bt ~ # nano / etc / lilo.conf
# The contents of lilo.conf
boot = / dev / sda
timeout = 60
vga = 791 # depending on the display lo watch as the existing
image = / boot / vmlinuz
root = / dev/sda3
label = Backtrack3_final
# Completed
bt ~ # lilo-v
bt / ~ # exit
then reboot the computer :)
everything is typed without using the ""
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