Tuesday, August 14, 2012

26. Basic command line for linux

Linux ... yes something is unix operating system ... some people confused how mengoperasikanya as yet accustomed to a command by command ... very much different from the windows are just a click I so much easier .... but make no mistake mengoperasikanya linux is a reliable operating system from virus or spyware .... steady ... just because I gave mengoperasikanya to facilitate base-basic command in linux ....

Download Link

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25. Vectorian Giotto Download

This time I will provide the latest information on making a flash banner is practically difficult to master without flash programming .... Most people are confused about how to create a flash banner is good and so it can take maksilmal but those results are not good at mastering the application of flash .... well here vectorian application role Giotto ... application is made ​​by the developer to create a flash banner easily because it has no application in the example we use templates that are ready ... and no less important is the application of this free 100%

All Tutorial and Article, Technologi Informasi, Computer, Programmer, Web Developer

Friday, August 10, 2012

24. Linux Xp

anyone ever heard of linux xp xp ..... so linux is an operating system of the base operating system is linux, but the display model and its theme is windows xp .... why the linux xp .... because many viruses are spread in the windows system opetaing people want to migrate to linux oprating system but it is difficult to operate because not user frendly terhadat operating system.

Donwload Link User Guide Installasi Linux XP

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23. Tip: Speed ​​up OpenOffice Startup and Performance 10 Times Fold

Your office suite OpenOffice users? Now nearly all major Linux distributions aka big ones always include this one application in each release. In addition to free from licensing fees, OpenOffice is also known for its features are complete and equally high compatibility with a kind of a paid application. However many users often complain because they feel less responsive OpenOfficenya applications. Ranging from slow startup time to process the heavy usage. Well this time the editor will share the "secrets" of how to improve the performance of OpenOffice hinggal 10-fold. 10 times here is a rough calculation. In terms of such prior to the "oprek" startup time OpenOffice Write to spend 10 seconds. Well after dioprek it only takes a second. So the result is 1:10 As for the condition that the way the computer is running smoothly is to have a minimum of 196MB of memory.

Easy to do so. Run one of the OpenOffice applications, such as Write. Next click the Tools menu> Options> Memory. Further edit the variables that are available so that its value becomes as shown in Gambar.01. For optimal results make sure the option "Enable systray Quickstarter" to activate. This feature will be marked by the presence of openoffice logo in the corner of the taskbar near the clock your linux computer.
Then click "OK" and restart your OpenOffice.

All Tutorial and Article, Technologi Informasi, Computer, Programmer, Web Developer

22. My Sql Language

on this occasion I will once again mebrikan tutorial ebook free of charge to you all about understanding My Sql database programming language

Download Link

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22. Configuration Debian etch 4

network is an important part suatau on this saay. Due to the network then create a connection long distance relationship or short distance ... nah tool often used to create a simple network simulation is a debian etch .... well this time I will try to share the experience I am against such a device

Download Link

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

21. create a template or wordpress blog without the need for coding

Most people think that making a template blog / wordpress is very difficult ... but I am thinking differently .... make a blog template / wordpress is very simple ... how do I say it is easy because hand in hand with the development of the programming world has been the creation of a software called artister .... so you stay I edit the layout templates no need to bother to write or think web-based programming script ... hehehe ....
because I'm a good-hearted and not too overbearing xixixixi diligent saving ... I gave a link to download software artister + craknya so no need to buy ... hehehe

Download Link

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Monday, August 6, 2012

20. Aplication sale computer with macro excel

To make it easier to learn excel macros so I gave the example program using excel macros with the sale of application case studies

Download Link

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19. Conection VB to sql server

To build the database project in Visual C + + 6.0 which will then be connected to your SQL Server Please follow the steps - the steps below

  • In the work area Visual C + + click New or press Ctrl + N and then select Database Project and specify the storage location by clicking the button, the New dialog box and then click OK, see picture 

  • Then the control Adodc1 will be automatically attached to the sheet Form

  • To insert the Microsoft Data Grid Control component, version6.0 in sheet form, the same way as step 1 to? only different control name only.
  • Then you adjust the position of the components are attached to the sheet Form as shown belo

      Adodc1 next connect to the MFC AppWizard project sheet form,database that you create can be connected to the Form, how to follow step - a step below
      • connection  Adodc1  to Database
      1. Right-click on the control Adodc1 ADODC then click Properties Adodc Object, then the Tab All you click the button, on the columns  ConectionString 
      Then you right click again on the control you selected ADODC Adodc1 Adodc Object Properties, in dialog box Microsoft ADO Data Control Version 6.0, click the Build button on the Tab Control, and then the box
      Data Link Properties dialog specify the name of the server and database, see

      • connection  Datagrid1 to Adodc1
      1. Right-click on the DataGrid control and then click Edit DataGrid  Object, then the Tab All you click on the column Data Sources, the  Then select IDC_ADODC1

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      18. Tutorial pemrograman basic visual c++

      does anyone remember the c + + programming ... most people who have keahliab field of programming language is ... well, c + + programming is basic so that we can use VB and Java programming language ... to repeat the memory re-programming language please download the link below .....

      All Tutorial and Article, Tutorial, Article

      17. Tutorial pemrograman C#

      does anyone remember the c # programming ... most people who have keahliab field of programming language is ... well, basic programming, c #, is that we can use the VB and Java programming language ... to repeat the memory re-programming language please download the link below .....

      Download Link

      All Tutorial and Article, Tutorial, Article

      Sunday, August 5, 2012

      16. Step by step install backtrack 3 on inside vmware

      many people think can be an operating system is linux backtrack 3 installed on a virtual machine so as not to bother to create a new partition to install linux os is ...?

      the answer is: can

      you just download the link below and then run the command step by step installation of linux backtrack 3 on a virtual machine ...)

      Download Link

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      15. tutorial java for mobile

      most people think that programming is an extremely difficult and expensive ... this time I tries to throw a statement like that .... below I provide a tutorial for java mobile pembuata free and easy to understand,,,, congratulations learn

      Link Download

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      14. Installation Oracle XE

      Installation of Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition is extremely easy and can be done in less than 15 minutes.Sheila needs to install Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition on both Linux and Windows platforms because she will be working with two groups that want to operate independently.
      • Watch Sheila install Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition on Windows.

      All Tutorial and Article, Tutorial, Article

      Saturday, August 4, 2012

      13. Tips for Linux Backtrack 2 & 3

      1. Usually going to backtrack a set network dhcp but if guns do this,IP setting is DHCP.
      type "dhcpd eth0"
      (For eth0 LAN card depends use on)
      to ensure type ifconfig

      2. howsetting a static IP :
      type "ifconfig eth0" -> IP and subnet settings
      type "route add default gw" -> Setting the gateway
      type "echo nameserver> / etc / resolve.conf" -> sett dns
      to ensure type ifconfig

      3. Do not forget to change the password
      type "passwd" Enter password "strong"

      4.For can bring up a bash command type:
      leetmode or yakuake

      5. Now backtrack to change the look of the first, howtype this in command prompt shell alias in wndows klo
      bt ~ # nano / etc / issue

      6. change the logon command line to start automatically when kde:
      bt ~ # nano / etc / inittab
      change id: 3: initdefault: to id: 4: initdefault:

      7. Automatic start making leetmode type:
      cd / root / .kde / Autostart
      ln-s / usr / bin / leetmode leetmode
      this makes the link leetmode in outostart

      8. Automatic start making yakuake type:
      cd / root / .kde / Autostart
      ln-s / opt / kde / bin / yakuake yakuake
      now in KDE just press F12

      9. Automated script that makes the cd-rom out: type:
      cd / etc / rc.d
      nano rc.6
      looking for code like this:
      # Eject cdrom devices
      . . / Usr / lib / liblinuxlive
      # Echo "ejecting cdroms all ..."
      # List_cdrom_devices while read DEVICE; do
      # Cdrecord dev = $ DEVICE-eject> / dev / null 2> / dev / null
      # Can not use eject Because it's not working with our kernel
      # Eject-s $ DEVICE> / dev / null 2> / dev / null
      # Done
      # Echo "========================================"
      # Echo "It's safe to switch the computer off now"
      # Echo-ne "Press Enter to $ command"
      # Read junk

      10. how to install java client: 
      - Download Java Linux (self-extracting file)
      - Cd opt
      - Mkdir java
      - Cp / tmp/jre-6u1-linux-i586.bin / opt / java
      - Cd java
      - Ls
      - Chmod a + x jre-6u1-linux-i586.bin
      - Ls-l
      - ./jre-6u1-linux-i586.bin
      - Yes
      - Ls
      http://java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml # enable
      - Cd / opt / firefox / plugins
      - Ln-s / opt/java/jre1.6.0_01/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so
      - Firefox-Preferences-Content-Enable java
      Good luck.

      11. secure shell daemon how:
      type "sshd-generate"
      type "/ usr / sbin / sshd"
      type "netstat-ant grep 22"

      12. Make http server klo neubenya language makes web server how:
      type "apachectl start" -> function hidupin for apache web server
      type "netstat-ant grep 80" -> check if port 80 is active
      type "apachectl stop" -> function turns of the apache server
      type "netstat-ant grep 80" -> check again

      13. make a file transfer protocol or ftp server cool how:
      type "atftpd - daemon - port 69 / tmp /"
      type "netstat-anu grep 69"

      14. vnc server using that usually make for ngeremote how:
      type "vncserver"
      ato 8digit enter pass more
      type "netstat-ant grep 5901"

      15. how to make a dual boot automatically (configured itself as Linux root)
      residence type "liloconfig" just follow orders live aja

      16. IP configuration using netconfig
      in the shell live type "netconfig" wrote

      17. Tanem for ip k log files etc change rc.inet1
      "nano / etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf"
      # Config information for eth0:
      IPADDR [0] = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
      NETMASK [0] = "255.255.255.xxx"
      USE_DHCP [0] = ""
      DHCP_HOSTNAME [0] = ""
      # Default gateway IP address:
      GATEWAY = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xx"
      Do not forget to type in
      rc.d bt # rc.inet1

      18. techmon make leetmode kayak in BT3
      the way in sheel type "superkaramba" then download the file on the desktop so degh

      19. how to install the package berextention. tgz
      residence type:
      "Installpkg namapaket.tgz"

      20. mengextrac file. gz
      "Tar-xzvf namafile.gz"
      $ Tar-zxvf-C nama_file.tar.gz / folder / destination /

      21. mengextrax file. bz2
      "Tar-xjvf namafile.bz2"

      22. how to update an existing slackware on backtrack pake slapt-get:
      type this in shell "slapt-get - update" then type "slapt-get - upgrade"
      type in 'kwrite / etc / slapt-get / slapt-getrc "
      add the:
      SOURCE = http://darkstar.ist.utl.pt/slackware/
      download it for updatean
      Other programs are:
      Kslackcheck create slack update as well
      is the download kslackcheck
      how to install it live "installpkg namafile.tgz" complete look at the system
      add fast-track in BT2
      I Xvidcap make way for the video tutorial
      then 'installpkg filename "

      27. kmail install client
      download kmailnya
      "Tar-xjvf kdepim-3.5.6.tar.bz2"
      "Configure && make && make install"

      28. install thunderbird
      download thunderbirdnya
      ekstrax "tar-zxvf thunderbird-"
      make the link in the kde menu editor link Thunderbird
      or "double click thunderbird"

      29. g there is a Nanya friend change ways how passwords
      aja type "passwd" type the password length
      confirmation that guns in the same lo linux

      30. enable ssh on backtrack first
      "Setup-sshd" to start or begin with "start-sshd"
      to stop "stop-sshd"

      31. to enable the firewall on automatically backtrack
      bt / # cat >> / etc / rc.d / rc.local
      . / Etc / rc.d / rc.FireWall start
      ^ D
      bt / #
      gretzz willy master slackware

      32. who kernel (see here)
      who difference SMP kernel as usual kernel (see here)

      Install BT3 to HDD
      How do i guns jelasin
      create a partition on the hdd
      Siapin hdd partition example:
      sda1 = backtrack
      sda2 = swap
      bt ~ # mkdir / mnt / backtrack
      bt ~ # mount / dev/sda3 / mnt / backtrack /
      bt ~ # mkdir / mnt / backtrack / boot /
      bt ~ # mount / dev/sda1 / mnt / backtrack / boot /
      bt ~ # cp-preserve-R / {bin, dev, home, pentest, root, usr, etc, lib, opt, sbin, var} / mnt / backtrack /
      bt ~ # mkdir / mnt / backtrack / {mnt, proc, sys, tmp}
      bt ~ # mount bind / dev / / mnt / backtrack / dev /
      bt ~ # mount-t proc proc / mnt / backtrack / proc /
      bt ~ # cp / boot / vmlinuz / mnt / backtrack / boot /
      for lilonya.
      bt ~ # chroot / mnt / backtrack / / bin / bash
      bt ~ # nano / etc / lilo.conf
      # The contents of lilo.conf
      boot = / dev / sda
      timeout = 60
      vga = 791 # depending on the display lo watch as the existing
      image = / boot / vmlinuz
      root = / dev/sda3
      label = Backtrack3_final
      # Completed
      bt ~ # lilo-v
      bt / ~ # exit
      then reboot the computer :)

      everything is typed without using the ""

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      12. How To Insert Video in the Blog

      We want your friends can see your video? Enter wrote on the blog! Hehehehe. The trick is easy too!
      To create a video, we can use video creation services site, one of which is http://www.youtube.com. Follow the steps below:

      1. Register on youtube.com 
      2. After being on the site, click on Sign Up to be at the top of the screen 
      3. Fill out all personal data you provide on the form in, do not forget to put a tick / check the box next to -> Sign me up for the "Broadcast Yourself" email - I agree to the terms of use and privacy policy. then click the Sign Up 
      4. After work, you are asked to veryfikasi, please check the email you submitted earlier to do veryfikasi 
      5. If email from youtube.com already entered, please open and then click on Confirm your email addres 
      6. By clicking this text, you are automatically entered into your account page and ready to upload video 
      7. Click on the Upload Video is at the top of the screen 
      8. Fill in the form provided 
      9. Click the button marked Continue Uploading 
      10. Click the Browse button, the input video file that you want to input 
      11. Put a tick / check the radio button, the public -> if your video can be viewed by the public. Private -> If your video is personal that can only be viewed by a person you appoint 
      12. Click the Upload Video button, wait a while until the upload is complete 
      13. Once the upload is complete, you just copy the HTML code that is given. and paste it into Notepad 
      14. Please click on Log Out to exit from the site 
      15. Completed. you already have a video that can be saved in your article 

      To enter the code you copied a video that was, the way that you live posting articles like usual and then paste it in wherever you want. Just as copy n 'paste the code should be posting the position on the Edit HTML not in a position Compose. If you are finished entering articles, Just click Publish and you're ready video viewed by the visitors of your blog....

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      11. Creating Link Download the Blog

      Well, well how do I let nich we can share our files to my friends without having to us send the file but it is our friend yag take from us? It's easy really. Make aja download the file on our blog. How to do?
      The following easy .. do ....

      1. Sign in to SnapDrive.net
      2. Click on Register
      3. Complete the form with the data yourself as you please

      • Username -> fill in the name you'd like to, what is important may be easy to remember. example: Indonesia
      • Password -> fill with the desired password. example: independent
      • Confirm password -> content back to the password that had been tuliskan.contoh: independent
      • Email address -> fill in your email address, of course, are still valid. example: adjiexz@gmail.com
      • First name -> fill in your name
      • Last name -> fill in your name
      • Country -> select the name of the country where you live. example: Indonesia
      • Postcode -> browse to your local post codes
      • Gender -> select according to your gender. female (male), female (women)
      • Date of birth -> select your date of birth
      • Preferances -> content with the text contained in it

      4. Click the Register button
      5. There is confirmation that the new account must be made in the switch via email before we write
      6. Check the email you property that had been written, check email from Snapdrive already up or not
      7. If the email has arrived, please open the email. Fill in the email there is a link for activation, just click the link
      8. Pal will automatically be taken first page that contains a thank you
      9. Click the OK button
      10. Please Login with username and password that had been written at the register
      11. After being on my friend account page, click on Upload
      12. Click the Add Files
      13. Select the files you are willing dikomputer uploads
      14. Click the Upload button. wait a few moments when the file upload is in progress
      15. If the upload is complete, you will be shown in the file that was uploaded. Click on details next to the existing
      16. Click on the URL link
      17. Copy the code provided and paste it on notepad
      18. Click on Logout to exit from the site
      19. Please close your browser screen

      So continue on how to put in your blog? You can put it on a post or sidebar. It's up to you. Hehehe. Residence type in the words of the link and then paste the code calls that we had a copy of the underlyingAll

      Tutorial and Article, Tutorial, Article

      Thursday, August 2, 2012

      10. To name a cell or range over the name box on the macro excel 2003

      Fatherly easiest way to name a cell or range is through the name box on the formula bar. The following steps give the stolen name or range of cells via the Name Box:

      • To make the name of the cell, place the pointer on the cell which will be named. Point your mouse cursor on the name box, then type the name of the cell that you want. Press the Enter key on the keyboard. C18 cells in the sample name in ga, bar below:

      • To create a range name, block range which we will name. Point your mouse cursor to the Name Box, then type the range name you want. Press the Enter key on the keyboard. Name of the range D4: D17 in the example shown below:

      9. To name a cell or range in Excel 2003 macro

      Naming a cell or range would be petrified at the time of ita for applications, such as the user name of the range in the Data Validation feature. Here are some of the cell naming rules:

      • Cell name must start from the letter (not a character or numeric).
      • Name the cell that consists of two or more words should not be separated by a space. You can use your underscore (_) to replace the spaces. For example, the cell name price goods can be altered by Harga_Barang.
      • In a workbook, the cell name must be unique (no name the same cell in a workbook).